Luckiest Girl in The World

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Weekend Cooking

Well it's been raining in Sydney this weekend...what to do?

Chalky came up with the plan - lets do some cooking together. What to cook? Lasagna, okay that's not too difficult, lets make it a challenge, so from the man who hasn't ever cooked a lasagna lets cook it all from scratch...and make the pasta!

So out came the Jamie Oliver cookbook, shopping list compiled and the fun began. I'll let the pictures and video tell the story.

the fast red pasta machine


Measuring the flour

Mixing in the eggs

The finished dough, my Jamie Oliver!

Drying out the pasta

Preparing the lasagna

The finished product..bon appetite

Then today it was pancake day...a reason for a cook off in the house!

Guess whose pancake is the big one...

And flipping the pancake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe the man who teaches
Kim how to make Yorkshire puddings
is now making fresh pasta !!

Is there no end to your talents ?
still it is good to know that when
you come home in September we don't
have to do all the cooking !
Keep it up Chalk.

Love Ma xxxx

8:20 am  

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